“Regain Control of Your Life… It Doesn’t Have to be a Struggle!”

Hypnotherapy can help you achieve the positive changes you seek

Through the use of Hypnotherapy Annette encourages clients to adopt a more positive outlook on life. She has been in full time practice as an Advanced Practitioner since 2013.

Annette is an Accredited Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH) and is an Anxiety UK approved therapist. She holds several professional qualifications, namely; an Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy (AdvDipH), a Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (DHP), a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD), and a Specialist Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (DipSHP).

Winchester, Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Hypnotherapy Diploma Training – In Person and Online

Annette uses a variety of techniques, including psychotherapy techniques and EMDR, in conjunction with hypnosis. Rather than focussing on problems, she will help you to identify where you want to be in life and the steps you need to take to get there. This in itself can encourage you to think in a more positive way. To help you achieve your goals and realise your preferred future you work in collaboration with Annette, and together find solutions to the difficulties and problems that may be impacting on your happiness.

Annette MacCaul Hypnotherapy is now offering hypnotherapy sessions & initial consultations online and in-person at Unit 12’s dedicated therapy rooms in Winchester

There are many conditions that can be exacerbated by underlying stress and anxiety, and can manifest in a variety of ways. This may result in physical problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), psoriasis, headaches, etc. and can negatively impact on our sense of mental well-being. It may also impact on our sleep patterns, making it difficult to get to sleep or waking up during the night. Lack of sleep can leave us feeling irritable, unable to cope or to make decisions, and generally feeling lifeless. Depression can leave us demotivated and unable to enjoy life.

During your hypnotherapy sessions we work together to help you reduce your stress and anxiety and help you develop the tools to make positive changes in your life, such as developing more confidence, motivation or self esteem, or getting rid of unhelpful fears or phobias, or taming your ‘inner critic’. Hypnotherapy can help by creating a more positive mental attitude, and in turn change the negative thought patterns and responses that may otherwise hold us back, allowing us to deal with underlying stress and anxiety and generally help us to enjoy life more fully.

Sessions are usually weekly and, apart from smoking cessation, are over a number of sessions. The number of sessions needed may vary from person to person, and this will be discussed fully with you during the initial consultation. As long as you are committed to make positive changes to your life hypnotherapy may be able to help you. As with any therapy individual results may vary from person to person.

Annette works with people experiencing a variety of difficulties and issues, including:

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Confidence and Self Esteem Issues, including Blushing and Shyness
  • Fears and Phobias, including Panic Attacks and Public Speaking
  • Motivation, including Sports Motivation
  • Weight Management
  • Stopping Smoking
  • Depression
  • Breaking Bad Habits, such as Nail Biting
  • Insomnia
  • Goal Achievement

Plus much more…

If there is something you would like help with that is not listed, please feel free to get in touch to find out if hypnotherapy can help. Annette is more than happy to discuss if hypnotherapy would be suitable and how hypnotherapy may be of benefit to you. As with everything worth doing, success is dependent on your commitment and determination, so be prepared for change!

 Annette MacCaul – AdvDipH • DHP • DipSHP • HPD

Do you want to know more about hypnotherapy? Want to Book your free online initial consultation, make an enquiry, or request a prospectus? Fill out the form below

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